Voxel reuse

Helper function

A helper function is provided for the fast approximation of the mean voxel reuse:

voxelreuse(trainimg::AbstractArray{T,N}, tilesize::Dims{N};
           nreal::Integer=10, kwargs...)

Returns the mean voxel reuse in [0,1] and its standard deviation.


  • The approximation gets better as nreal is made larger.
  • Keyword arguments kwargs are passed to iqsim directly.

Plot recipe

A plot recipe is provided for tile design in image quilting. In order to plot the voxel reuse of a training image, install Plots.jl and any of its supported backends (e.g. GR.jl):

] add Plots GR

The example below uses training images from the GeoStatsImages.jl package:

using ImageQuilting
using GeoStatsImages
using Plots

TI₁ = training_image("Strebelle")
TI₂ = training_image("StoneWall")

voxelreuseplot(TI₁, label="Strebelle")
voxelreuseplot!(TI₂, label="StoneWall")

Voxel reuse plot