

A Julia package for fast 3D image quilting simulation.

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This package implements an extension to the famous Efros-Freeman algorithm for texture synthesis and transfer in computer vision. Unlike the original algorithm developed for 2D images, our method can also handle 3D masked grids and pre-existing point-data very efficiently (the fastest in the literature). For more details, please refer to our paper in Citation.

3D Quilting Animation



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For even faster computation with GPUs, please follow the instructions in GPU support.


This package is part of the GeoStats.jl framework. Solver options are displayed below:

ImgQuilt(var₁=>param₁, var₂=>param₂, ...)

Image quilting simulation solver as described in Hoffimann et al. 2017.



  • TI - Training image
  • tilesize - Tile size in x, y and z


  • overlap - Overlap size in x, y and z (default to (1/6, 1/6, 1/6))
  • cut - Boundary cut algorithm (:boykov (default) or :dijkstra)
  • path - Simulation path (:raster (default), :dilation, or :random)
  • inactive - Vector of inactive voxels (i.e. tuples (i,j,k)) in the grid
  • soft - A vector of (data,dataTI) pairs
  • tol - Initial relaxation tolerance in (0,1] (default to 0.1)

Global parameters


  • threads - Number of threads in FFT (default to number of physical CPU cores)
  • gpu - Whether to use the GPU or the CPU (default to false)
  • showprogress - Whether to show or not the estimated time duration (default to false)

Low-level API

If you are interested in using the package without GeoStats.jl, please use the following function:

iqsim(trainimg::AbstractArray{T,N}, tilesize::Dims{N},
      soft::AbstractVector=[], hard::HardData=HardData(), tol::Real=.1,
      cut::Symbol=:boykov, path::Symbol=:raster, nreal::Integer=1,
      threads::Integer=cpucores(), gpu::Bool=false,
      debug::Bool=false, showprogress::Bool=false)

Performs image quilting simulation as described in Hoffimann et al. 2017.



  • trainimg is any 3D array (add ghost dimension for 2D)
  • tilesize is the tile size (or pattern size)


  • simsize is the size of the simulation grid (default to training image size)
  • overlap is the percentage of overlap (default to 1/6 of tile size)
  • soft is a vector of (data,dataTI) pairs (default to none)
  • hard is an instance of HardData (default to none)
  • tol is the initial relaxation tolerance in (0,1] (default to .1)
  • cut is the cut algorithm (:dijkstra or :boykov)
  • path is the simulation path (:raster, :dilation or :random)
  • nreal is the number of realizations (default to 1)
  • threads is the number of threads for the FFT (default to all CPU cores)
  • gpu informs whether to use the GPU or the CPU (default to false)
  • debug informs whether to export or not the boundary cuts and voxel reuse
  • showprogress informs whether to show or not estimated time duration

The main output reals consists of a list of 3D realizations that can be indexed with reals[1], reals[2], ..., reals[nreal]. If debug=true, additional output is generated:

reals, cuts, voxs = iqsim(..., debug=true)

cuts[i] is the boundary cut for reals[i] and voxs[i] is the associated voxel reuse.

The major difference compared to the high-level API is that the iqsim function has no notion of coordinate system, and you will have to pre-process the data manually to match it with the cells in the simulation grid.

GeoStats.jl takes the coordinate system into account and also enables parallel simulation on HPC clusters.