
GeoStats.jl was designed to, among other things, facilitate rigorous comparison of different geostatistical models in the literature. As a user of geostatistics, you may be interested in trying various models on a given data set to pick the one with best performance. As a researcher in the field, you may be interested in benchmarking your new model against other established models.

Errors of geostatistical solvers can be estimated with the cverror function:

cverror(model::GeoStatsModel, geotable, method; kwargs...)

Estimate error of model in a given geotable with error estimation method using Interpolate or InterpolateNeighbors depending on the passed kwargs.

cverror(model::StatsLearnModel, geotable, method)
cverror((model, invars => outvars), geotable, method)

Estimate error of model in a given geotable with error estimation method using the Learn transform.

For example, we can perform block cross-validation on a decision tree model using the following code:

using GeoStats
using GeoIO

# load geospatial data
Ω = GeoIO.load("data/agriculture.csv", coords = ("x", "y"))

# 20%/80% split along the (1, -1) direction
Ωₛ, Ωₜ = geosplit(Ω, 0.2, (1.0, -1.0))

# features and label for supervised learning
feats = [:band1,:band2,:band3,:band4]
label = :crop

# learning model
model = DecisionTreeClassifier()

# loss function
loss = MisclassLoss()

# block cross-validation with r = 30.
bcv = BlockValidation(30., loss = Dict(:crop => loss))

# estimate of generalization error
ϵ̂ = cverror((model, feats => label), Ωₛ, bcv)
Dict{Symbol, Float64} with 1 entry:
  :crop => 0.227837

We can unhide the labels in the target domain and compute the actual error for comparison:

# train in Ωₛ and predict in Ωₜ
Ω̂ₜ = Ωₜ |> Learn(Ωₛ, model, feats => label)

# actual error of the model
ϵ = mean(loss.(Ωₜ.crop, Ω̂ₜ.crop))

Below is the list of currently implemented validation methods.





BlockValidation(sides; loss=Dict())

Cross-validation with blocks of given sides. Optionally, specify loss function from LossFunctions.jl for some of the variables. If only one side is provided, then blocks become cubes.



WeightedValidation(weighting, folding; lambda=1.0, loss=Dict())

An error estimation method which samples are weighted with weighting method and split into folds with folding method. Weights are raised to lambda power in [0,1]. Optionally, specify loss function from LossFunctions.jl for some of the variables.



DensityRatioValidation(k; [parameters])

Density ratio validation where weights are first obtained with density ratio estimation, and then used in k-fold weighted cross-validation.


  • shuffle - Shuffle the data before folding (default to true)
  • estimator - Density ratio estimator (default to LSIF())
  • optlib - Optimization library (default to default_optlib(estimator))
  • lambda - Power of density ratios (default to 1.0)

Please see DensityRatioEstimation.jl for a list of supported estimators.
