Empirical variograms
Variograms are widely used in geostatistics due to their intimate connection with (co)variance and visual interpretability. The following video explains the concept in detail:
The Matheron's estimator of the empirical variogram is given by
\[\widehat{\gamma_M}(h) = \frac{1}{2|N(h)|} \sum_{(i,j) \in N(h)} (z_i - z_j)^2\]
where $N(h) = \left\{(i,j) \mid ||\p_i - \p_j|| = h\right\}$ is the set of pairs of locations at a distance $h$ and $|N(h)|$ is the cardinality of the set. Alternatively, the robust Cressie's estimator is given by
\[\widehat{\gamma_C}(h) = \frac{1}{2}\frac{\left\{\frac{1}{|N(h)|} \sum_{(i,j) \in N(h)} |z_i - z_j|^{1/2}\right\}^4}{0.457 + \frac{0.494}{|N(h)|} + \frac{0.045}{|N(h)|^2}}\]
Both estimators are available and can be used with general distance functions in order to for example:
- Model anisotropy (e.g. ellipsoid distance)
- Perform simulation on sphere (e.g. haversine distance)
Please see Distances.jl for a complete list of distance functions.
The high-performance estimation procedure implemented in the framework can consider all pairs of locations regardless of direction (ominidirectional) or a specified partition of the geospatial data (e.g. directional, planar).
(Omini)directional variograms
— TypeEmpiricalVariogram(data, var₁, var₂=var₁; [options])
Computes the empirical (a.k.a. experimental) omnidirectional (cross-)variogram for variables var₁
and var₂
stored in geospatial data
- nlags - number of lags (default to
) - maxlag - maximum lag in length units (default to 1/2 of minimum side of bounding box)
- distance - custom distance function (default to
distance) - estimator - variogram estimator (default to
estimator) - algorithm - accumulation algorithm (default to
Available estimators:
- simple estimator based on squared differences:cressie
- robust estimator based on 4th power of differences
Available algorithms:
- loop over all pairs of points in the data:ball
- loop over all points inside maximum lag ball
All implemented algorithms produce the exact same result. The :ball
algorithm is considerably faster when the maximum lag is much smaller than the bounding box of the domain of the data.
See also: DirectionalVariogram
, PlanarVariogram
, EmpiricalVariogramSurface
Chilès, JP and Delfiner, P. 2012. Geostatistics: Modeling Spatial Uncertainty
Webster, R and Oliver, MA. 2007. Geostatistics for Environmental Scientists
Hoffimann, J and Zadrozny, B. 2019. Efficient variography with partition variograms
— FunctionDirectionalVariogram(direction, data, var₁, var₂=var₁; dtol=1e-6u"m", [options])
Computes the empirical (cross-)variogram for the variables var₁
and var₂
stored in geospatial data
along a given direction
with band tolerance dtol
in length units.
Forwards options
to the underlying EmpiricalVariogram
— FunctionPlanarVariogram(normal, data, var₁, var₂=var₁; ntol=1e-6u"m", [options])
Computes the empirical (cross-)variogram for the variables var₁
and var₂
stored in geospatial data
along a plane perpendicular to a normal
direction with plane tolerance ntol
in length units.
Forwards options
to the underlying EmpiricalVariogram
Consider the following example image:
using GeoStatsImages
img = geostatsimage("Gaussian30x10")
img |> viewer

We can estimate ominidirectional variograms, which consider pairs of points along all directions:
γ = EmpiricalVariogram(img, :Z, maxlag = 50.)

directional variograms along a specific direction:
γₕ = DirectionalVariogram((1.,0.), img, :Z, maxlag = 50.)
γᵥ = DirectionalVariogram((0.,1.), img, :Z, maxlag = 50.)
fig = funplot(γₕ, color = :maroon, histcolor = :maroon)
funplot!(fig, γᵥ)

or planar variograms over a specific plane:
γᵥ = PlanarVariogram((1.,0.), img, :Z, maxlag = 50.)
γₕ = PlanarVariogram((0.,1.), img, :Z, maxlag = 50.)
fig = funplot(γₕ, color = :maroon, histcolor = :maroon)
funplot!(fig, γᵥ)

The directional and planar variograms coincide in this example because planes are equal to lines in 2-dimensional space. These concepts are most useful in 3-dimensional space where we may be interested in comparing the horizontal planar range to the vertical directional range.
Empirical surfaces
— TypeEmpiricalVariogramSurface(data, var₁, var₂=var₁;
normal=Vec(0,0,1), nangs=50,
ptol=0.5u"m", dtol=0.5u"m",
Given a normal
direction, estimate the (cross-)variogram of variables var₁
and var₂
along all directions in the corresponding plane of variation.
Optionally, specify the tolerance ptol
in length units for the plane partition, the tolerance dtol
in length units for the direction partition, the number of angles nangs
in the plane, and forward the options
to the underlying EmpiricalVariogram
γ = EmpiricalVariogramSurface(img, :Z, maxlag = 50.)

Theoretical variograms
We provide various theoretical variogram models from the literature, which can be combined with ellipsoid distances to model geometric anisotropy and combined with scalars or matrix coefficients to express multivariate relations.
In an intrinsic isotropic model, the variogram is only a function of the distance between any two given points $\p_1,\p_2 \in \R^m$:
\[\gamma(\p_1,\p_2) = \gamma(||\p_1 - \p_2||) = \gamma(h)\]
Under the additional assumption of 2nd-order stationarity, the well-known covariance is directly related via $\gamma(h) = \cov(0) - \cov(h)$. This package implements a few commonly used as well as other more exotic variogram models. Most of these models share a set of default parameters (e.g. sill=1.0
, range=1.0
), which can be set with keyword arguments.
\[\gamma(h) = (s - n) \left[1 - \exp\left(-3\left(\frac{h}{r}\right)^2\right)\right] + n \cdot \1_{(0,\infty)}(h)\]
— TypeGaussianVariogram(; range, sill, nugget)
A Gaussian variogram with range
in length units, and sill
and nugget
GaussianVariogram(; ranges, rotation, sill, nugget)
Alternatively, use multiple ranges
and rotation
matrix to construct an anisotropic model.
GaussianVariogram(ball; sill, nugget)
Alternatively, use a custom metric ball
# isotropic model
# anisotropic model
GaussianVariogram(ranges=(1.0m, 2.0m))

\[\gamma(h) = (s - n) \left[\left(\frac{3}{2}\left(\frac{h}{r}\right) + \frac{1}{2}\left(\frac{h}{r}\right)^3\right) \cdot \1_{(0,r)}(h) + \1_{[r,\infty)}(h)\right] + n \cdot \1_{(0,\infty)}(h)\]
— TypeSphericalVariogram(; range, sill, nugget)
A spherical variogram with range
in length units, and sill
and nugget
SphericalVariogram(; ranges, rotation, sill, nugget)
Alternatively, use multiple ranges
and rotation
matrix to construct an anisotropic model.
SphericalVariogram(ball; sill, nugget)
Alternatively, use a custom metric ball
# isotropic model
# anisotropic model
SphericalVariogram(ranges=(1.0m, 2.0m))

\[\gamma(h) = (s - n) \left[1 - \exp\left(-3\left(\frac{h}{r}\right)\right)\right] + n \cdot \1_{(0,\infty)}(h)\]
— TypeExponentialVariogram(; range, sill, nugget)
An exponential variogram with range
in length units, and sill
and nugget
ExponentialVariogram(; ranges, rotation, sill, nugget)
Alternatively, use multiple ranges
and rotation
matrix to construct an anisotropic model.
ExponentialVariogram(ball; sill, nugget)
Alternatively, use a custom metric ball
# isotropic model
# anisotropic model
ExponentialVariogram(ranges=(1.0m, 2.0m))

\[\gamma(h) = (s - n) \left[1 - \frac{2^{1-\nu}}{\Gamma(\nu)} \left(\sqrt{2\nu}\ 3\left(\frac{h}{r}\right)\right)^\nu K_\nu\left(\sqrt{2\nu}\ 3\left(\frac{h}{r}\right)\right)\right] + n \cdot \1_{(0,\infty)}(h)\]
— TypeMaternVariogram(; range, sill, nugget, order)
A Matérn variogram with range
in length units, sill
and nugget
contributions, and order
of Bessel function.
MaternVariogram(; ranges, rotation, sill, nugget, order)
Alternatively, use multiple ranges
and rotation
matrix to construct an anisotropic model.
MaternVariogram(ball; sill, nugget, order)
Alternatively, use a custom metric ball
# isotropic model
# anisotropic model
MaternVariogram(ranges=(1.0m, 2.0m))

\[\gamma(h) = (s - n) \left[\left(7\left(\frac{h}{r}\right)^2 - \frac{35}{4}\left(\frac{h}{r}\right)^3 + \frac{7}{2}\left(\frac{h}{r}\right)^5 - \frac{3}{4}\left(\frac{h}{r}\right)^7\right) \cdot \1_{(0,r)}(h) + \1_{[r,\infty)}(h)\right] + n \cdot \1_{(0,\infty)}(h)\]
— TypeCubicVariogram(; range, sill, nugget)
A cubic variogram with range
in length units, and sill
and nugget
CubicVariogram(; ranges, rotation, sill, nugget)
Alternatively, use multiple ranges
and rotation
matrix to construct an anisotropic model.
CubicVariogram(ball; sill, nugget)
Alternatively, use a custom metric ball
# isotropic model
# anisotropic model
CubicVariogram(ranges=(1.0m, 2.0m))

\[\gamma(h) = (s - n) \left[\left(\frac{15}{8}\left(\frac{h}{r}\right) - \frac{5}{4}\left(\frac{h}{r}\right)^3 + \frac{3}{8}\left(\frac{h}{r}\right)^5\right) \cdot \1_{(0,r)}(h) + \1_{[r,\infty)}(h)\right] + n \cdot \1_{(0,\infty)}(h)\]
— TypePentaSphericalVariogram(; range, sill, nugget)
A pentaspherical variogram with range
in length units, and sill
and nugget
PentaSphericalVariogram(; ranges, rotation, sill, nugget)
Alternatively, use multiple ranges
and rotation
matrix to construct an anisotropic model.
PentaSphericalVariogram(ball; sill, nugget)
Alternatively, use a custom metric ball
# isotropic model
# anisotropic model
PentaSphericalVariogram(ranges=(1.0m, 2.0m))

Sine hole
\[\gamma(h) = (s - n) \left[1 - \frac{\sin(\pi h / r)}{\pi h / r}\right] + n \cdot \1_{(0,\infty)}(h)\]
— TypeSineHoleVariogram(; range, sill, nugget)
A sinehole variogram with range
in length units, and sill
and nugget
SineHoleVariogram(; ranges, rotation, sill, nugget)
Alternatively, use multiple ranges
and rotation
matrix to construct an anisotropic model.
SineHoleVariogram(ball; sill, nugget)
Alternatively, use a custom metric ball
# isotropic model
# anisotropic model
SineHoleVariogram(ranges=(1.0m, 2.0m))

\[\gamma(h) = (s - n) \left[\left(1 - \frac{2}{\pi} \cos^{-1}\left(\frac{h}{r}\right) + \frac{2h}{\pi r} \sqrt{1 - \frac{h^2}{r^2}} \right) \cdot \1_{(0,r)}(h) + \1_{[r,\infty)}(h)\right] + n \cdot \1_{(0,\infty)}(h)\]
— TypeCircularVariogram(; range, sill, nugget)
A circular variogram with range
in length units, and sill
and nugget
CircularVariogram(; ranges, rotation, sill, nugget)
Alternatively, use multiple ranges
and rotation
matrix to construct an anisotropic model.
CircularVariogram(ball; sill, nugget)
Alternatively, use a custom metric ball
# isotropic model
# anisotropic model
CircularVariogram(ranges=(1.0m, 2.0m))

\[\gamma(h) = sh^a + n \cdot \1_{(0,\infty)}(h)\]
— TypePowerVariogram(; scaling, exponent, nugget)
A power variogram with scaling
, exponent
and nugget

\[\gamma(h) = n \cdot \1_{(0,\infty)}(h)\]
— TypeNuggetEffect(; nugget)
A pure nugget effect variogram with nugget

Anisotropic models
Anisotropic models can be constructed from a list of ranges
and rotation
matrix from Rotations.jl:
GaussianVariogram(ranges = (3.0, 2.0, 1.0), rotation = RotZXZ(0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
├─ ranges: (3.0 m, 2.0 m, 1.0 m)
├─ rotation: [1.0 -0.0 0.0; 0.0 1.0 -0.0; 0.0 0.0 1.0]
├─ sill: 1.0
└─ nugget: 0.0
Rotation angles from commercial geostatistical software are also provided:
— TypeMinesightAngles(θ₁, θ₂, θ₃)
MineSight z-x'-y'' intrinsic rotation convention following the right-hand rule. All angles are in degrees and the sign convention is CW, CCW, CW positive.
The first rotation θ₁
is a horizontal rotation around the Z-axis, with positive being clockwise. The second rotation θ₂
is a rotation around the new X-axis, which moves the Y-axis into the desired position, with positive direction of rotation is up. The third rotation θ₃
is a rotation around the new Y-axis, which moves the X-axis into the desired position, with positive direction of rotation is up.
— TypeDatamineAngles(θ₁, θ₂, θ₃)
Datamine ZXY rotation convention following the left-hand rule. All angles are in degrees and the signal convention is CW, CW, CW positive. Y is the principal axis.
— TypeVulcanAngles(θ₁, θ₂, θ₃)
Vulcan ZYX rotation convention following the right-hand rule. All angles are in degrees and the signal convention is CW, CCW, CW positive. X is the principal axis.
— TypeGslibAngles(θ₁, θ₂, θ₃)
GSLIB z-x'-y'' intrinsic rotation convention following the left-hand rule. All angles are in degrees and the sign convention is CW, CCW, CW positive. Y is the principal axis.
The first rotation θ₁
is a rotation around the Z-axis, this is also called the azimuth. The second rotation θ₂
is a rotation around the new X-axis, this is also called the dip. The third rotation θ₃
is a rotation around the new Y-axis, this is also called the tilt.
- Deutsch, 2015. The Angle Specification for GSLIB Software
The effect of anisotropy is illustrated below for different rotation angles:
points = rand(Point, 50, crs=Cartesian2D) |> Scale(100)
geotable = georef((Z=rand(50),), points)
viz(geotable.geometry, color = geotable.Z)

θs = range(0.0, step = π/4, stop = 2π - π/4)
# initialize figure
fig = Mke.Figure(size = (800, 1600))
# helper function to position subfigures
pos = i -> CartesianIndices((4, 2))[i].I
# domain of interpolation
grid = CartesianGrid(100, 100)
# anisotropic variogram with different rotation angles
for (i, θ) in enumerate(θs)
# anisotropic variogram model
γ = GaussianVariogram(ranges = (20.0, 5.0), rotation = Angle2d(θ))
# perform interpolation
interp = geotable |> Interpolate(grid, model=Kriging(γ))
# visualize solution at subplot i
interp.geometry, color = interp.Z,
axis = (title = "θ = $(rad2deg(θ))ᵒ",)

Composite models
A composite variogram model $\gamma(h) = c_1\cdot\gamma_1(h) + c_2\cdot\gamma_2(h) + \cdots + c_n\cdot\gamma_n(h)$ can be constructed from multiple variogram models, including matrix coefficients. The individual structures can be recovered in canonical form with the structures
— Functionstructures(γ)
Return the individual structures of a (possibly composite) variogram as a tuple. The structures are the total nugget, and the coefficients (or contributions) for for the remaining non-trivial structures after normalization (i.e. sill=1, nugget=0).
γ₁ = GaussianVariogram(nugget=1, sill=2)
γ₂ = SphericalVariogram(nugget=2, sill=3)
structures(2γ₁ + 3γ₂)
Return the individual structures of a (possibly composite) covariance as a tuple. The structures are the total nugget, and the coefficients (or contributions) for for the remaining non-trivial structures after normalization (i.e. sill=1, nugget=0).
cov₁ = GaussianCovariance(nugget=1, sill=2)
cov₂ = SphericalCovariance(nugget=2, sill=3)
structures(2cov₁ + 3cov₂)
γ₁ = GaussianVariogram(nugget=1, sill=2)
γ₂ = ExponentialVariogram(nugget=2, sill=3)
# composite model with matrix coefficients
γ = [1.0 0.0; 0.0 1.0] * γ₁ + [2.0 0.5; 0.5 3.0] * γ₂
# structures in canonical form
cₒ, c, g = structures(γ)
cₒ # matrix nugget
2×2 StaticArraysCore.SMatrix{2, 2, Float64, 4} with indices SOneTo(2)×SOneTo(2):
5.0 1.0
1.0 7.0
c # matrix coefficients
([1.0 0.0; 0.0 1.0], [2.0 0.5; 0.5 3.0])
g # normalized structures
(GaussianVariogram(range: 1.0 m, sill: 1.0, nugget: 0.0), ExponentialVariogram(range: 1.0 m, sill: 1.0, nugget: 0.0))
Fitting models
Fitting theoretical variograms to empirical observations is an important modeling step to ensure valid mathematical models of geospatial continuity. Given an empirical variogram, the following function can be used to fit models:
— Functionfit(F, f, algo=WeightedLeastSquares(); kwargs...)
Fit theoretical geostatistical function of type F
to empirical function f
using algorithm algo
Optionally fix theoretical parameters like range
, sill
and nugget
in the kwargs
julia> fit(SphericalVariogram, g)
julia> fit(ExponentialVariogram, g)
julia> fit(ExponentialVariogram, g, sill=1.0)
julia> fit(ExponentialVariogram, g, maxsill=1.0)
julia> fit(GaussianVariogram, g, WeightedLeastSquares())
fit(Fs, f, algo=WeightedLeastSquares(); kwargs...)
Fit theoretical geostatistical functions of types Fs
to empirical function f
using algorithm algo
and return the one with minimum error.
julia> fit([SphericalVariogram, ExponentialVariogram], g)
fit(F, f, weightfun; kwargs...)
Convenience method that forwards the weighting function weightfun
to the WeightedLeastSquares
fit(SphericalVariogram, g, h -> exp(-h))
fit(Variogram, g, h -> exp(-h/100))
fit(Variogram, g, algo=WeightedLeastSquares(); kwargs...)
Fit all stationary Variogram
models to empirical variogram g
using algorithm algo
and return the one with minimum error.
julia> fit(Variogram, g)
julia> fit(Variogram, g, WeightedLeastSquares())
# sinusoidal data
𝒟 = georef((Z=[sin(i/2) + sin(j/2) for i in 1:50, j in 1:50],))
# empirical variogram
g = EmpiricalVariogram(𝒟, :Z, maxlag = 25u"m")

We can fit specific models to the empirical variogram:
γ =, g)
fig = funplot(g)
funplot!(fig, γ, maxlag = 25u"m")

or let the framework find the model with minimum error:
γ =, g)
fig = funplot(g)
funplot!(fig, γ, maxlag = 25u"m")

which should be a SineHoleVariogram
given that the synthetic data of this example is sinusoidal.
Optionally, we can specify a weighting function to give different weights to the lags:
γ =, g, h -> 1 / h^2)
fig = funplot(g)
funplot!(fig, γ, maxlag = 25u"m")

Weighted least squares
— TypeWeightedLeastSquares()
Fit theoretical variogram using weighted least squares with weighting function w
(e.g. h -> 1/h). If no weighting function is provided, bin counts of empirical variogram are normalized and used as weights.