

Geostatistical simulation is a powerful alternative to geostatistical interpolation that preserves local features observed in the physical world. Instead of a single smoothed map, geostatistical simulation can produce hundreds of alternative maps (a.k.a. realizations) that honor the observed values stored in a geotable.

In the following sections, we assume some basic understanding of geospatial random processes. For the purposes of this documentation, we divide these processes into processes over a known (and fixed) domain, that we call field processes, and processes that simulate the domain itself, where the most prominent example are point processes.

Field processes

FieldProcess <: GeoStatsProcess

A field process (or random field) is defined over a fixed geospatial domain. The realizations of the process are stored in an ensemble, which is an indexable collection of geotables.

rand([rng], process::FieldProcess, domain, [n];
     data=nothing, method=nothing, init=NearestInit(),
     workers=workers(), async=false, showprogress=true)

Simulate n random realizations of the field process over the geospatial domain, using the random number generator rng. If a geotable is provided as data, perform conditional simulation, ensuring that all realizations match the data values.

The number of realizations n can be omitted, in which case the result is a single geotable. If n is provided, the result becomes an ensemble with multiple realizations.

Some processes like the GaussianProcess can be simulated with alternative simulation methods from the literature such as LUSIM, SEQSIM and FFTSIM. Other processes can only be simulated with a default method. A suitable method is automatically chosen based on the process, domain and data.

In the presence of data, the realizations are initialized with a initialization method. By default, the data is assigned to the nearest geometry of the simulation domain.

Multiple workers created with the Distributed standard library can be used for parallel simulation. The function can be called asynchrounously, in which case it returns immediately for online consumption of realizations in a loop. The option showprogress can be used to show a progress bar with estimated time of conclusion.


rand(process, domain) # single realization as geotable
rand(process, domain, data=data) # conditional simulation
rand(process, domain, 3) # ensemble of realizations
rand(process, domain, 10, data=data) # ensemble of realizations
rand(rng, process, domain, 3) # specify random number generator


If you are not an expert in random fields, avoid setting the method manually. There are good heuristics in place to maximize performance in any given setup.


Realizations of a field process are efficiently stored in an Ensemble. For most purposes, an ensemble is an indexable collection of geotables together with a few summary statistics that can be used quantify uncertainty (e.g., mean, var, cdf, quantile).

The simulation of field processes can be performed without a geotable in an unconditional simulation. If a geotable is provided, the observed values are honored in a conditional simulation.

We illustrate these concepts with the GaussianProcess:

# domain of simulation
grid = CartesianGrid(100, 100)

# field process
proc = GaussianProcess(GaussianVariogram(range=30.0))

# perform simulation
real = rand(proc, grid, 100)
2D Ensemble
  domain:    100×100 CartesianGrid
  variables: field
  N° reals:  100

The first two realizations of the process are shown below:

fig = Mke.Figure(size = (800, 400))
viz(fig[1,1], real[1].geometry, color = real[1].field)
viz(fig[1,2], real[2].geometry, color = real[2].field)
Example block output

Likewise, we can show the mean and variance of the ensemble:

m, v = mean(real), var(real)

fig = Mke.Figure(size = (800, 400))
viz(fig[1,1], m.geometry, color = m.field)
viz(fig[1,2], v.geometry, color = v.field)
Example block output

or the 25th and 75th percentiles:

q25 = quantile(real, 0.25)
q75 = quantile(real, 0.75)

fig = Mke.Figure(size = (800, 400))
viz(fig[1,1], q25.geometry, color = q25.field)
viz(fig[1,2], q75.geometry, color = q75.field)
Example block output

or the cummulative distribution:

p25 = cdf(real, 0.25)
p75 = cdf(real, 0.75)

fig = Mke.Figure(size = (800, 400))
viz(fig[1,1], p25.geometry, color = p25.field)
viz(fig[1,2], p75.geometry, color = p75.field)
Example block output

Please check this page for more examples.

Parallel simulation

All field processes support distributed parallel simulation with multiple Julia worker processes. Doing so requires using the Distributed standard library, like in the following example:

using Distributed

# request additional processes

# load code on every single process
@everywhere using GeoStats

# setup simulation
grid = CartesianGrid(100, 100)
proc = GaussianProcess(GaussianVariogram(range=30.0))

# perform simulation on all worker processes
real = rand(proc, grid, 3, workers = workers())

Please consult The ultimate guide to distributed computing in Julia.

Multivariate simulation

Some field processes like the GaussianProcess support multivariate simulation (a.k.a. cosimulation). The multivariate setting is automatically detected in the presence of multivariate geostatistical functions.

In the example below, we simulate two variables jointly with a correlation coefficient of 0.8:

# multivariate covariance function
func = [1.0 0.8; 0.8 1.0] * SphericalCovariance(range=30.0)

# multivariate Gaussian process
proc = GaussianProcess(func)

# simulate 2 variables jointly
real = rand(proc, grid)

# visualize variables side by side
fig = Mke.Figure(size = (800, 400))
viz(fig[1,1], real.geometry, color = real.field1)
viz(fig[1,2], real.geometry, color = real.field2)
Example block output

Point processes

rand([rng], process::PointProcess, geometry, [n])
rand([rng], process::PointProcess, domain, [n])

Simulate n realizations of the point process inside geometry or domain using the random number generator rng.

The number of realizations n can be omitted, in which case the result is a single point set. If n is provided, the result becomes a vector with multiple realizations.


We can use a point process to simulate random locations of events within a given geometry of interest. When the process ishomogeneous, it is relatively easy to perform the simulation. The framework also provides non-homogeneous point processes over different types of geometries.

The following example illustrates the simulation of a homogeneous PoissonProcess process over a sphere:

# geometry of interest
sphere = Sphere((0, 0, 0), 1)

# homogeneous Poisson process
proc = PoissonProcess(5.0)

# sample two point patterns
pset = rand(proc, sphere, 2)

fig = Mke.Figure(size = (800, 400))
viz(fig[1,1], sphere)
viz!(fig[1,1], pset[1], color = :black)
viz(fig[1,2], sphere)
viz!(fig[1,2], pset[2], color = :black)
Example block output

Please check this page for more examples.

Basic operations

Point processes can be combined using basic operations.

p₁ ∪ p₂

Return the union of point processes p₁ and p₂.

# geometry of interest
box = Box((0, 0), (100, 100))

# superposition of two Binomial processes
proc₁ = BinomialProcess(500)
proc₂ = BinomialProcess(500)
proc  = proc₁ ∪ proc₂ # 1000 points

pset = rand(proc, box, 2)

fig = Mke.Figure(size = (800, 400))
viz(fig[1,1], box)
viz!(fig[1,1], pset[1], color = :black)
viz(fig[1,2], box)
viz!(fig[1,2], pset[2], color = :black)
Example block output

Random thinning with retention probability p, which can be a constant probability value in [0,1] or a function mapping a point to a probability.


RandomThinning(p -> sum(to(p)))
# geometry of interest
box = Box((0, 0), (100, 100))

# reduce intensity of Poisson process by half
proc₁ = PoissonProcess(0.5)
proc₂ = thin(proc₁, RandomThinning(0.5))

# sample point patterns
pset₁ = rand(proc₁, box)
pset₂ = rand(proc₂, box)

fig = Mke.Figure(size = (800, 400))
viz(fig[1,1], box)
viz!(fig[1,1], pset₁, color = :black)
viz(fig[1,2], box)
viz!(fig[1,2], pset₂, color = :black)
Example block output
# geometry of interest
box = Box((0, 0), (100, 100))

# Binomial process
proc = BinomialProcess(2000)

# sample point pattern
pset₁ = rand(proc, box)

# thin point pattern with probability 0.5
pset₂ = thin(pset₁, RandomThinning(0.5))

fig = Mke.Figure(size = (800, 400))
viz(fig[1,1], box)
viz!(fig[1,1], pset₁, color = :black)
viz(fig[1,2], box)
viz!(fig[1,2], pset₂, color = :black)
Example block output