Geostatistical interpolation models can be used to predict variables over geospatial domains. These models are used within the Interpolate
and InterpolateNeighbors
transforms with advanced options for change of support, probabilistic prediction and neighborhood search.
— TypeInterpolate(domain; [options])
Interpolate geotable on given domain
(or vector of geometries) using a set of options
- Model from GeoStatsModels.jl (default toNN()
- Perform interpolation on point support (default totrue
- Perform probabilistic interpolation (default tofalse
# nearest neighbor model
Interpolate(grid, model=NN())
# inverse distance weighting model
Interpolate(pset, model=IDW())
The interpolation is performed with all the samples (i.e. rows of the geotable) at once, which can be prohibitive for some models like Kriging. If that is the case, prefer InterpolateNeighbors
See also InterpolateNeighbors
— TypeInterpolateNeighbors(domain; [options])
Interpolate geotable with neighbor search on given domain
(or vector of geometries) using a set of options
- Model from GeoStatsModels.jl (default toNN()
- Path over the domain (default toLinearPath()
- Perform interpolation on point support (default totrue
- Perform probabilistic interpolation (default tofalse
- Minimum number of neighbors (default to1
- Maximum number of neighbors (default to10
- Search neighborhood (default tonothing
- A distance defined in Distances.jl (default toEuclidean()
Two neighbor search methods are available:
If a
is provided, local prediction is performed by sliding theneighborhood
in the domain (e.g.MetricBall
).If a
is not provided, the prediction is performed usingmaxneighbors
nearest neighbors according todistance
# polynomial model with 10 nearby samples
InterpolateNeighbors(grid, model=Polynomial(), maxneighbors=10)
# inverse distance weighting model with samples inside 100m radius
InterpolateNeighbors(pset, model=IDW(), neighborhood=MetricBall(100u"m"))
The interpolation is performed with a subset of nearby samples. This can lead to undesired artifacts, specially when the number of samples is small. If that is that case, prefer Interpolate
See also Interpolate
All models work with general Hilbert spaces, meaning that it is possible to interpolate any data type that implements scalar multiplication, vector addition and inner product.
The framework also provides a low-level interface for advanced users who might need to
and GeoStatsModels.predict
(or GeoStatsModels.predictprob
) models in non-standard ways:
— Functionfit(model, geotable)
Fit geostatistical model
to geotable
and return a fitted geostatistical model.
— Functionpredict(model, vars, gₒ)
Predict one or multiple variables vars
at geometry gₒ
with given geostatistical model
— Functionpredictprob(model, vars, gₒ)
Predict distribution of one or multiple variables vars
at geometry gₒ
with given geostatistical model
For model validation, including cross-validation error estimates, please check the Validation section.
We illustrate the models with the following geotable and grid:
gtb = georef((; z=[1.,0.,1.]), [(25.,25.), (50.,75.), (75.,50.)])
z | geometry |
Continuous | Point |
[NoUnits] | 🖈 Cartesian{NoDatum} |
1.0 | (x: 25.0 m, y: 25.0 m) |
0.0 | (x: 50.0 m, y: 75.0 m) |
1.0 | (x: 75.0 m, y: 50.0 m) |
grid = CartesianGrid(100, 100)
100×100 CartesianGrid
├─ minimum: Point(x: 0.0 m, y: 0.0 m)
├─ maximum: Point(x: 100.0 m, y: 100.0 m)
└─ spacing: (1.0 m, 1.0 m)
— TypeNN(distance=Euclidean())
A model that assigns the value of the nearest neighbor.
itp = gtb |> Interpolate(grid, model=NN())
itp |> viewer

— TypeIDW(exponent=1, distance=Euclidean())
The inverse distance weighting model introduced in the very early days of geostatistics by Shepard 1968.
The weights are computed as λᵢ = 1 / d(x, xᵢ)ᵉ
for a given distance
denoted by d
and exponent
denoted by e
itp = gtb |> Interpolate(grid, model=IDW())
itp |> viewer

— TypeLWR(weightfun=h -> exp(-3 * h^2), distance=Euclidean())
The locally weighted regression (a.k.a. LOESS) model introduced by Cleveland 1979. It is the most natural generalization of IDW
in which one is allowed to use a custom weight function instead of distance-based weights.
Stone 1977. Consistent non-parametric regression
Cleveland 1979. Robust locally weighted regression and smoothing scatterplots
Cleveland & Grosse 1991. Computational methods for local regression
itp = gtb |> Interpolate(grid, model=LWR())
itp |> viewer

— TypePolynomial(degree=1)
A polynomial model with coefficients obtained via regression.
itp = gtb |> Interpolate(grid, model=Polynomial())
itp |> viewer

A Kriging model has the form:
\[\hat{Z}(\p_0) = \lambda_1 Z(\p_1) + \lambda_2 Z(\p_2) + \cdots + \lambda_n Z(\p_n),\quad \p_i \in \R^m, \lambda_i \in \R\]
with $Z\colon \R^m \times \Omega \to \R$ a random field.
This package implements the following Kriging variants:
- Simple Kriging
- Ordinary Kriging
- Universal Kriging
which can be materialized in code with the generic Kriging
— FunctionKriging(fun, mean)
Equivalent to SimpleKriging
Equivalent to OrdinaryKriging
Kriging(fun, drifts)
Equivalent to UniversalKriging
Kriging(fun, deg, dim)
Equivalent to UniversalKriging
Please check the docstring of corresponding models for more details.
model = Kriging(GaussianVariogram(range=35.))
itp = gtb |> Interpolate(grid, model=model)
itp |> viewer

Kriging models depend on geostatistical functions (e.g., variograms). We support a wide variety of permissible functions documented in the Variograms, Covariances and Transiograms sections.
Simple Kriging
— TypeSimpleKriging(fun, mean)
Simple Kriging with geostatistical function fun
and constant mean
- Simple Kriging requires stationary geostatistical function
In Simple Kriging, the mean $\mu$ of the random field is assumed to be constant and known. The resulting linear system is:
\[\begin{bmatrix} cov(\p_1,\p_1) & cov(\p_1,\p_2) & \cdots & cov(\p_1,\p_n) \\ cov(\p_2,\p_1) & cov(\p_2,\p_2) & \cdots & cov(\p_2,\p_n) \\ \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ cov(\p_n,\p_1) & cov(\p_n,\p_2) & \cdots & cov(\p_n,\p_n) \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} \lambda_1 \\ \lambda_2 \\ \vdots \\ \lambda_n \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} cov(\p_1,\p_0) \\ cov(\p_2,\p_0) \\ \vdots \\ cov(\p_n,\p_0) \end{bmatrix}\]
or in matricial form $\C\l = \c$. We subtract the given mean from the observations $\boldsymbol{y} = \z - \mu \1$ and compute the mean and variance at location $\p_0$:
\[\mu(\p_0) = \mu + \boldsymbol{y}^\top \l\]
\[\sigma^2(\p_0) = cov(0) - \c^\top \l\]
Ordinary Kriging
— TypeOrdinaryKriging(fun)
Ordinary Kriging with geostatistical function fun
In Ordinary Kriging the mean of the random field is assumed to be constant and unknown. The resulting linear system is:
\[\begin{bmatrix} \G & \1 \\ \1^\top & 0 \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} \l \\ \nu \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} \g \\ 1 \end{bmatrix}\]
with $\nu$ the Lagrange multiplier associated with the constraint $\1^\top \l = 1$. The mean and variance at location $\p_0$ are given by:
\[\mu(\p_0) = \z^\top \l\]
\[\sigma^2(\p_0) = \begin{bmatrix} \g \\ 1 \end{bmatrix}^\top \begin{bmatrix} \l \\ \nu \end{bmatrix}\]
Universal Kriging
— TypeUniversalKriging(fun, drifts)
Universal Kriging with geostatistical function fun
and drifts
. A drift is a function p -> v
maps a point p
to a unitless value v
UniversalKriging(fun, deg, dim)
Alternatively, construct monomial drifts
up to given degree deg
for dim
geospatial coordinates.
- Drift functions should be smooth for numerical stability
- Include a constant drift (e.g.
p -> 1
) for unbiased estimation OrdinaryKriging
is recovered withdrifts = [p -> 1]
In Universal Kriging, the mean of the random field is assumed to be a linear combination of known smooth functions. For example, it is common to assume
\[\mu(\p) = \sum_{k=1}^{N_d} \beta_k f_k(\p)\]
with $N_d$ monomials $f_k$ of degree up to $d$. For example, in 2D there are $6$ monomials of degree up to $2$:
\[\mu(x_1,x_2) = \beta_1 1 + \beta_2 x_1 + \beta_3 x_2 + \beta_4 x_1 x_2 + \beta_5 x_1^2 + \beta_6 x_2^2\]
The choice of the degree $d$ determines the size of the polynomial matrix
\[\F = \begin{bmatrix} f_1(\p_1) & f_2(\p_1) & \cdots & f_{N_d}(\p_1) \\ f_1(\p_2) & f_2(\p_2) & \cdots & f_{N_d}(\p_2) \\ \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ f_1(\p_n) & f_2(\p_n) & \cdots & f_{N_d}(\p_n) \end{bmatrix}\]
and polynomial vector $\f = \begin{bmatrix} f_1(\p_0) & f_2(\p_0) & \cdots & f_{N_d}(\p_0) \end{bmatrix}^\top$.
The variogram determines the variogram matrix:
\[\G = \begin{bmatrix} \gamma(\p_1,\p_1) & \gamma(\p_1,\p_2) & \cdots & \gamma(\p_1,\p_n) \\ \gamma(\p_2,\p_1) & \gamma(\p_2,\p_2) & \cdots & \gamma(\p_2,\p_n) \\ \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ \gamma(\p_n,\p_1) & \gamma(\p_n,\p_2) & \cdots & \gamma(\p_n,\p_n) \end{bmatrix}\]
and the variogram vector $\g = \begin{bmatrix} \gamma(\p_1,\p_0) & \gamma(\p_2,\p_0) & \cdots & \gamma(\p_n,\p_0) \end{bmatrix}^\top$.
The resulting linear system is:
\[\begin{bmatrix} \G & \F \\ \F^\top & \boldsymbol{0} \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} \l \\ \boldsymbol{\nu} \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} \g \\ \f \end{bmatrix}\]
with $\boldsymbol{\nu}$ the Lagrange multipliers associated with the universal constraints. The mean and variance at location $\p_0$ are given by:
\[\mu(\p_0) = \z^\top \l\]
\[\sigma^2(\p_0) = \begin{bmatrix}\g \\ \f\end{bmatrix}^\top \begin{bmatrix}\l \\ \boldsymbol{\nu}\end{bmatrix}\]
All the Kriging variants are well-defined in the multivariate setting. We can use multivariate variograms (or covariances) in a linear model of coregionalization, or transiograms to perform multivariate interpolation:
# 3 variables
table = (; a=[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], b=[0.0, 1.0, 0.0], c=[0.0, 0.0, 1.0])
coord = [(25.0, 25.0), (50.0, 75.0), (75.0, 50.0)]
# 3x3 variogram
γ = [1.0 0.3 0.1; 0.3 1.0 0.2; 0.1 0.2 1.0] * SphericalVariogram(range=35.)
gtb = georef(table, coord)
itp = gtb |> Interpolate(grid, model=Kriging(γ))
a | b | c | geometry |
Continuous | Continuous | Continuous | Quadrangle |
[NoUnits] | [NoUnits] | [NoUnits] | 🖈 Cartesian{NoDatum} |
0.333434 | 0.333283 | 0.333283 | Quadrangle((x: 0.0 m, y: 0.0 m), ..., (x: 0.0 m, y: 1.0 m)) |
0.334227 | 0.332887 | 0.332887 | Quadrangle((x: 1.0 m, y: 0.0 m), ..., (x: 1.0 m, y: 1.0 m)) |
0.335753 | 0.332124 | 0.332124 | Quadrangle((x: 2.0 m, y: 0.0 m), ..., (x: 2.0 m, y: 1.0 m)) |
0.337943 | 0.331028 | 0.331028 | Quadrangle((x: 3.0 m, y: 0.0 m), ..., (x: 3.0 m, y: 1.0 m)) |
0.340729 | 0.329635 | 0.329635 | Quadrangle((x: 4.0 m, y: 0.0 m), ..., (x: 4.0 m, y: 1.0 m)) |
0.344041 | 0.327979 | 0.327979 | Quadrangle((x: 5.0 m, y: 0.0 m), ..., (x: 5.0 m, y: 1.0 m)) |
0.347808 | 0.326096 | 0.326096 | Quadrangle((x: 6.0 m, y: 0.0 m), ..., (x: 6.0 m, y: 1.0 m)) |
0.351958 | 0.324021 | 0.324021 | Quadrangle((x: 7.0 m, y: 0.0 m), ..., (x: 7.0 m, y: 1.0 m)) |
0.356419 | 0.32179 | 0.32179 | Quadrangle((x: 8.0 m, y: 0.0 m), ..., (x: 8.0 m, y: 1.0 m)) |
0.361119 | 0.31944 | 0.31944 | Quadrangle((x: 9.0 m, y: 0.0 m), ..., (x: 9.0 m, y: 1.0 m)) |
⋮ | ⋮ | ⋮ | ⋮ |
itp |> Select("a") |> viewer

itp |> Select("b") |> viewer

itp |> Select("c") |> viewer

Heterotopic settings are automatically detected in the presence of missing
# 3 variables with missing values
table = (; a=[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], b=[0.0, 1.0, missing], c=[missing, 0.0, 1.0])
gtb = georef(table, coord)
itp = gtb |> Interpolate(grid, model=Kriging(γ))
a | b | c | geometry |
Continuous | Continuous | Continuous | Quadrangle |
[NoUnits] | [NoUnits] | [NoUnits] | 🖈 Cartesian{NoDatum} |
0.210962 | -1.92532e-17 | 5.23831e-6 | Quadrangle((x: 0.0 m, y: 0.0 m), ..., (x: 0.0 m, y: 1.0 m)) |
0.211901 | -1.91928e-17 | 4.64935e-5 | Quadrangle((x: 1.0 m, y: 0.0 m), ..., (x: 1.0 m, y: 1.0 m)) |
0.213707 | -9.59142e-18 | 0.000125878 | Quadrangle((x: 2.0 m, y: 0.0 m), ..., (x: 2.0 m, y: 1.0 m)) |
0.2163 | 1.92969e-17 | 0.000239852 | Quadrangle((x: 3.0 m, y: 0.0 m), ..., (x: 3.0 m, y: 1.0 m)) |
0.219598 | 1.97876e-17 | 0.000384824 | Quadrangle((x: 4.0 m, y: 0.0 m), ..., (x: 4.0 m, y: 1.0 m)) |
0.223519 | -9.28903e-18 | 0.000557152 | Quadrangle((x: 5.0 m, y: 0.0 m), ..., (x: 5.0 m, y: 1.0 m)) |
0.227977 | -9.17497e-18 | 0.000753151 | Quadrangle((x: 6.0 m, y: 0.0 m), ..., (x: 6.0 m, y: 1.0 m)) |
0.23289 | 1.96284e-18 | 0.000969093 | Quadrangle((x: 7.0 m, y: 0.0 m), ..., (x: 7.0 m, y: 1.0 m)) |
0.238171 | -8.07949e-18 | 0.00120122 | Quadrangle((x: 8.0 m, y: 0.0 m), ..., (x: 8.0 m, y: 1.0 m)) |
0.243734 | 1.22333e-17 | 0.00144576 | Quadrangle((x: 9.0 m, y: 0.0 m), ..., (x: 9.0 m, y: 1.0 m)) |
⋮ | ⋮ | ⋮ | ⋮ |
itp |> Select("a") |> viewer

itp |> Select("b") |> viewer

itp |> Select("c") |> viewer