Field processes


The following field processes are available upon loading GeoStats.jl.

GaussianProcess(func, mean=0)

Gaussian process with given geostatistical function (e.g. variogram) and mean.


# univariate processes
GaussianProcess(SphericalCovariance(), 0.5)

# multivariate processes
GaussianProcess(LinearTransiogram(), [0.5, 0.5])
# domain of interest
grid = CartesianGrid(100, 100)

# Gaussian process
proc = GaussianProcess(GaussianVariogram(range=30.0))

# unconditional simulation
real = rand(proc, grid, 2)

fig = Mke.Figure(size = (800, 400))
viz(fig[1,1], real[1].geometry, color = real[1].field)
viz(fig[1,2], real[2].geometry, color = real[2].field)
Example block output

The GaussianProcess can be simulated with different methods. Heuristics are used to select the most appropriate method for the data and domain at hand.


The LU simulation method introduced by Alabert 1987 and Davis 1987.

The full covariance matrix is built to include all locations of the data, and samples from the multivariate Gaussian are drawn via a lower-upper (LU) matrix factorization.



The method is only adequate for domains with relatively small number of elements (e.g. 100x100 grids) where it is feasible to factorize the full covariance.

For larger domains (e.g. 3D grids), other methods are preferred such as SEQSIM and FFTSIM.

FFTSIM(; [options])

The FFT simulation method introduced by Oliver 1995 and Ravalec 2000.

The covariance function is perturbed in the frequency domain after a fast Fourier transform. White noise is added to the phase of the spectrum, and a realization is produced by an inverse Fourier transform.

Data conditioning is currently performed with Kriging, which accepts the following neighbor search options.


  • minneighbors - Minimum number of neighbors (default to 1)
  • maxneighbors - Maximum number of neighbors (default to 26)
  • neighborhood - Search neighborhood (default to nothing)
  • distance - Distance used to find nearest neighbors (default to Euclidean())



The method is limited to simulations on regular grids, and care must be taken to make sure that the correlation length is small enough compared to the grid size. As a general rule of thumb, avoid correlation lengths greater than 1/3 of the grid.

Visual artifacts can appear near the boundaries of the grid if the correlation length is large compared to the grid itself.

SEQSIM(; [options])

The sequential simulation method introduced by Gomez-Hernandez 1993.

The method traverses all locations of the geospatial domain according to a path, approximates the conditional distribution within a neighborhood using a geostatistical model, and assigns a value to the center of the neighborhood by sampling from this distribution.


  • path - Process path (default to LinearPath())
  • minneighbors - Minimum number of neighbors (default to 1)
  • maxneighbors - Maximum number of neighbors (default to 26)
  • neighborhood - Search neighborhood (default to :range)
  • distance - Distance used to find nearest neighbors (default to Euclidean())

For each location in the process path, a maximum number of neighbors maxneighbors is used to fit the conditional Gaussian distribution. The neighbors are searched according to a neighborhood.

The neighborhood can be a MetricBall, the symbol :range or nothing. The symbol :range is converted to MetricBall(range(f)) where f is the geostatistical function of the Gaussian process. If neighborhood is nothing, the nearest neighbors are used without additional constraints.



This method is very sensitive to neighbor search options and simulation path. Care must be taken to make sure that enough neighbors are used in the underlying geostatistical model.

IndicatorProcess(func, prob)

Indicator process with multivariate geostatistical function (e.g., multivariate covariance) and a priori probabilities.

IndicatorProcess(transiogram, prob=proportions(transiogram))

Alternatively, construct indicator process from transiogram.


# covariance and explicit probabilities
IndicatorProcess([1.0 0.5; 0.5 1.0] * SphericalCovariance(), [0.8, 0.2])

# transiogram and implicit probabilities

# transiogram and explicit probabilities
IndicatorProcess(ExponentialTransiogram(), [0.8, 0.2])
# domain of interest
grid = CartesianGrid(100, 100)

# multivariate function modeling categorical values
func = SphericalTransiogram(ranges=(50.0, 10.), proportions=(0.5, 0.3, 0.2))

# indicator process
proc = IndicatorProcess(func)

# unconditional simulation
real = rand(proc, grid, 2)

fig = Mke.Figure(size = (800, 400))
viz(fig[1,1], real[1].geometry, color = real[1].field)
viz(fig[1,2], real[2].geometry, color = real[2].field)
Example block output
# data with categorical column
table = (; facies=["shale", "sand", "clay"])
coord = [(25.0, 25.0), (50.0, 75.0), (75.0, 25.0)]
data = georef(table, coord)

# conditional simulation
real = rand(proc, grid, data=data)

# visualize realization
real |> viewer
Example block output
LindgrenProcess(range=1.0, sill=1.0)

Lindgren process with given range and sill.

The process relies on the discretization of the Laplace-Beltrami operator on meshes and is associated with a specific SPDE.


# set range

# set range and sill
LindgrenProcess(20.0, 2.0)



  • The process is particularly useful in highly curved domains (e.g. surfaces) given that it approximates geodesics as opposed to naive Euclidean distances.

  • It is also known as Gaussian Markov Random Field (GMRF) in the literature.

# domain of interest
mesh = simplexify(Sphere((0, 0, 0), 1))

# Lindgren process
proc = LindgrenProcess(0.1)

# unconditional simulation
real = rand(proc, mesh, 2)

fig = Mke.Figure(size = (800, 400))
viz(fig[1,1], real[1].geometry, color = real[1].field)
viz(fig[1,2], real[2].geometry, color = real[2].field)
Example block output


The following field processes are available upon loading external packages.


QuiltingProcess(trainimg, tilesize; [options])

Image quilting process with training image trainimg and tile size tilesize as described in Hoffimann et al. 2017.


  • overlap - Overlap size (default to (1/6, 1/6, ..., 1/6))
  • path - Process path (:raster (default), :dilation, or :random)
  • soft - A pair (data,dataTI) of geospatial data objects (default to nothing)
  • tol - Initial relaxation tolerance in (0,1] (default to 0.1)


using ImageQuilting
using GeoStatsImages

# domain of interest
grid = CartesianGrid(200, 200)

# quilting process
img  = geostatsimage("Strebelle")
proc = QuiltingProcess(img, (62, 62))

# unconditional simulation
real = rand(proc, grid, 2)

fig = Mke.Figure(size = (800, 400))
viz(fig[1,1], real[1].geometry, color = real[1].facies)
viz(fig[1,2], real[2].geometry, color = real[2].facies)
Example block output
# domain of interest
grid = CartesianGrid(200, 200)

# quilting process
img  = geostatsimage("StoneWall")
proc = QuiltingProcess(img, (13, 13))

# unconditional simulation
real = rand(proc, grid, 2)

fig = Mke.Figure(size = (800, 400))
viz(fig[1,1], real[1].geometry, color = real[1].Z)
viz(fig[1,2], real[2].geometry, color = real[2].Z)
Example block output
# domain of interest
grid = domain(img)

# pre-existing observations
img  = geostatsimage("Strebelle")
data = img |> Sample(20, replace=false)

# quilting process
proc = QuiltingProcess(img, (30, 30))

# conditional simulation
real = rand(proc, grid, 2, data=data)

fig = Mke.Figure(size = (800, 400))
viz(fig[1,1], real[1].geometry, color = real[1].facies)
viz(fig[1,2], real[2].geometry, color = real[2].facies)
Example block output

The QuiltingProcess can be simulated over views of grids, as in the example below where we simulate patterns inside a ball:

# domain of training image
grid = domain(img)

# view pixels inside ball
ball = Ball((50.0, 50.0), 25.0)
vgrid = view(grid, ball)

# quilting process
proc = QuiltingProcess(img, (62, 62))

# unconditional simulation
real = rand(proc, vgrid, 2)

fig = Mke.Figure(size = (800, 400))
viz(fig[1,1], real[1].geometry, color = real[1].facies)
viz(fig[1,2], real[2].geometry, color = real[2].facies)
Example block output

It is possible to incorporate auxiliary variables to guide the selection of patterns from the training image.

using ImageFiltering

# image assumed as ground truth (unknown)
truth = geostatsimage("WalkerLakeTruth")

# training image with similar patterns
img = geostatsimage("WalkerLake")

# forward model (blur filter)
function forward(data)
  img = asarray(data, :Z)
  krn = KernelFactors.IIRGaussian([10,10])
  fwd = imfilter(img, krn)
  georef((; fwd=vec(fwd)), domain(data))

# apply forward model to both images
data   = forward(truth)
dataTI = forward(img)

proc = QuiltingProcess(img, (27, 27), soft=(data, dataTI))

real = rand(proc, domain(truth), 2)

fig = Mke.Figure(size = (800, 400))
viz(fig[1,1], real[1].geometry, color = real[1].Z)
viz(fig[1,2], real[2].geometry, color = real[2].Z)
Example block output


using TuringPatterns

# domain of interest
grid = CartesianGrid(200, 200)

# unconditional simulation
real = rand(TuringProcess(), grid, 2)

fig = Mke.Figure(size = (800, 400))
viz(fig[1,1], real[1].geometry, color = real[1].field)
viz(fig[1,2], real[2].geometry, color = real[2].field)
Example block output


using StratiGraphics

# domain of interest
grid = CartesianGrid(50, 50, 20)

# stratigraphic environment
p = SmoothingProcess()
T = [0.5 0.5; 0.5 0.5]
Δ = ExponentialDuration(1.0)
ℰ = Environment([p, p], T, Δ)

# strata simulation
real = rand(StrataProcess(ℰ), grid, 2)

fig = Mke.Figure(size = (800, 400))
viz(fig[1,1], real[1].geometry, color = real[1].field)
viz(fig[1,2], real[2].geometry, color = real[2].field)
Example block output