A geospatial domain is a (discretized) region in physical space. For example, a collection of rain gauge stations can be represented as a PointSet
in the map. Similarly, a collection of states in a given country can be represented as a GeometrySet
of polygons.
We provide flexible domain types for advanced geospatial workflows via the Meshes.jl submodule. The domains can consist of sets (or "soups") of geometries as it is most common in GIS or be actual meshes with topological information.
— TypeDomain{M,CRS}
A domain is an indexable collection of geometries (e.g. mesh) in a given manifold M
with point coordinates specified in a coordinate reference system CRS
— TypeMesh{M,CRS,TP}
A mesh of geometries in a given manifold M
with point coordinates specified in a coordinate reference system CRS
. Unlike a general domain, a mesh has a well-defined topology TP
— TypePointSet(points)
A set of points
(a.k.a. point cloud) representing a Domain
All point sets below are the same and contain two points in R³:
julia> PointSet([Point(1,2,3), Point(4,5,6)])
julia> PointSet(Point(1,2,3), Point(4,5,6))
julia> PointSet([(1,2,3), (4,5,6)])
julia> PointSet((1,2,3), (4,5,6))
pset = PointSet(rand(Point, 100))
— TypeGeometrySet(geometries)
A set of geometries
representing a Domain
Set containing two balls centered at (0.0, 0.0)
and (1.0, 1.0)
julia> GeometrySet([Ball((0.0, 0.0)), Ball((1.0, 1.0))])
- Geometries with different CRS will be projected to the CRS of the first geometry.
tria = Triangle((0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 1.0), (0.0, 1.0))
quad = Quadrangle((1.0, 1.0), (2.0, 1.0), (2.0, 2.0), (1.0, 2.0))
gset = GeometrySet([tria, quad])
viz(gset, showsegments = true)
— TypeRegularGrid(dims, origin, spacing)
A regular grid with dimensions dims
, lower left corner at origin
and cell spacing spacing
. The three arguments must have the same length.
RegularGrid(dims, origin, spacing, offset)
A regular grid with dimensions dims
, with lower left corner of element offset
at origin
and cell spacing spacing
RegularGrid(start, finish, dims=dims)
Alternatively, construct a regular grid from a start
point to a finish
with dimensions dims
RegularGrid(start, finish, spacing)
Alternatively, construct a regular grid from a start
point to a finish
point using a given spacing
RegularGrid((10, 20), Point(LatLon(30.0°, 60.0°)), (1.0, 1.0)) # add coordinate units to spacing
RegularGrid((10, 20), Point(Polar(0.0cm, 0.0rad)), (10.0mm, 1.0rad)) # convert spacing units to coordinate units
RegularGrid((10, 20), Point(Mercator(0.0, 0.0)), (1.5, 1.5))
RegularGrid((10, 20, 30), Point(Cylindrical(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)), (3.0, 2.0, 1.0))
See also CartesianGrid
— TypeCartesianGrid(dims, origin, spacing)
A Cartesian grid with dimensions dims
, lower left corner at origin
and cell spacing spacing
. The three arguments must have the same length.
CartesianGrid(dims, origin, spacing, offset)
A Cartesian grid with dimensions dims
, with lower left corner of element offset
at origin
and cell spacing spacing
CartesianGrid(start, finish, dims=dims)
Alternatively, construct a Cartesian grid from a start
point (lower left) to a finish
point (upper right).
CartesianGrid(start, finish, spacing)
Alternatively, construct a Cartesian grid from a start
point to a finish
point using a given spacing
CartesianGrid(dim1, dim2, ...)
Finally, a Cartesian grid can be constructed by only passing the dimensions dims
as a tuple, or by passing each dimension dim1
, dim2
, ... separately. In this case, the origin and spacing default to (0,0,...) and (1,1,...).
is an alias to RegularGrid
with Cartesian
Create a 3D grid with 100x100x50 hexahedrons:
julia> CartesianGrid(100, 100, 50)
Create a 2D grid with 100 x 100 quadrangles and origin at (10.0, 20.0):
julia> CartesianGrid((100, 100), (10.0, 20.0), (1.0, 1.0))
Create a 1D grid from -1 to 1 with 100 segments:
julia> CartesianGrid((-1.0,), (1.0,), dims=(100,))
See also RegularGrid
grid = CartesianGrid(10, 10, 10)
viz(grid, showsegments = true)