

We provide various geostatistical clustering methods to divide geospatial data into regions with homogeneous features. These methods can consider the values of the geotable (the classical approach), or both the values and the domain (the geostatistical approach).

Consider the following geotable for illustration purposes:

gtb = georef((z=[10sin(i/10) + j for i in 1:4:100, j in 1:4:100],))

gtb |> viewer
Example block output


KMedoids(k; tol=1e-4, maxiter=10, weights=nothing, rng=Random.default_rng())

Assign labels to rows of table using the k-medoids algorithm.

The iterative algorithm is interrupted if the relative change on the average distance to medoids is smaller than a tolerance tol or if the number of iterations exceeds the maximum number of iterations maxiter.

Optionally, specify a dictionary of weights for each column to affect the underlying table distance from TableDistances.jl, and a random number generator rng to obtain reproducible results.


KMedoids(4, maxiter=20)
KMedoids(5, weights=Dict(:col1 => 1.0, :col2 => 2.0))


ctb = gtb |> KMedoids(5)

ctb |> viewer
Example block output


GHC(k, λ; nmax=2000, kern=:epanechnikov, link=:ward)

A transform for partitioning geospatial data into k clusters according to a range λ using Geostatistical Hierarchical Clustering (GHC). The larger the range the more connected are nearby samples.


  • k - Approximate number of clusters
  • λ - Approximate range of kernel function in length units


  • nmax - Maximum number of observations to use in dissimilarity matrix
  • kern - Kernel function (:uniform, :triangular or :epanechnikov)
  • link - Linkage function (:single, :average, :complete, :ward or :ward_presquared)



  • The range parameter controls the sparsity pattern of the pairwise distances, which can greatly affect the computational performance of the GHC algorithm. We recommend choosing a range that is small enough to connect nearby samples. For example, clustering data over a 100x100 Cartesian grid with unit spacing is possible with λ=1.0 or λ=2.0 but the problem starts to become computationally unfeasible around λ=10.0 due to the density of points.
ctb = gtb |> GHC(5, 1.0)

ctb |> viewer
Example block output
GSC(k, m; σ=1.0, tol=1e-4, maxiter=10, weights=nothing)

A transform for partitioning geospatial data into k clusters using Geostatistical Spectral Clustering (GSC).


  • k - Desired number of clusters
  • m - Multiplicative factor for adjacent weights


  • σ - Standard deviation for exponential model (default to 1.0)
  • tol - Tolerance of k-means algorithm (default to 1e-4)
  • maxiter - Maximum number of iterations (default to 10)
  • weights - Dictionary with weights for each attribute (default to nothing)



  • The algorithm implemented here is slightly different than the algorithm

described in Romary et al. 2015. Instead of setting Wᵢⱼ = 0 when i <-/-> j, we simply magnify the weight by a multiplicative factor Wᵢⱼ *= m when i <–> j. This leads to dense matrices but also better results in practice.

ctb = gtb |> GSC(5, 2.0)

ctb |> viewer
Example block output
SLIC(k, m; tol=1e-4, maxiter=10, weights=nothing)

A transform for clustering geospatial data into approximately k clusters using Simple Linear Iterative Clustering (SLIC).

The transform produces clusters of samples that are spatially connected based on a distance dₛ and that, at the same time, are similar in terms of vars with distance dᵥ. The tradeoff is controlled with a hyperparameter m in an additive model dₜ = √(dᵥ² + m²(dₛ/s)²).


  • k - Approximate number of clusters
  • m - Hyperparameter of SLIC model


  • tol - Tolerance of k-means algorithm (default to 1e-4)
  • maxiter - Maximum number of iterations (default to 10)
  • weights - Dictionary with weights for each attribute (default to nothing)


ctb = gtb |> SLIC(5, 0.01)

ctb |> viewer
Example block output